Wednesday, July 30, 2008

♱ Glenn Donovan Remembered ♱

We have a spider web over our kitchen counter. It's presence reminds us of a dear friend now gone. Glenn Donovan made that spider web in his whimsical style of welding metal and creating life out of this humble material. Glenn was so much more than a gifted sculptor. He was a bigger than life character who, when he hugged you, you knew you'd been hugged!
When he laughed, it was as if a thundering bellow from deep inside was resonating and his whole being erupted in muse.
I still hear his voice. It was loud and clear, a cacophony of exuberance! A brilliantly deviant mind who was fast on the uptake with lightening wit. His mind was fluid and resembled his pivoting sculptures that would move with the slightest breeze.
I can still hear his laughter and wry sense of humor and sadly missed his being at Boston Mills Art Fest this past July. That was the show we'd usually see he and his love Edie showing their work, sweating with the rest of us. His pager would go off and off he went to help Edie wrap up a sale or chat with a collector. He was brilliantly funny and a lover of life!
He died way too young.
Not to say life comes with any guarantees, but his life ended abruptly on January 21st of this year. He died suddenly of a blood clot in his lungs. His passing leaves Jon and I at a loss. We have lost too many friends in the last many years.

A tribute display and sale of Glenn's final work will be held on Saturday, August 2nd at the Brewery Pottery Studio of Diana and Tom Johnston in Mineral Point, WI. This opens at 3:00. Stop by if you can and share the love.

Below is a photo of one of Glenns more popular pieces, the Tree of Life.

In this work, he clearly connects man to nature. His art mirrored his life in such a profound way. He loved working with the nature sanctuary and being outdoors. His travels and adventures with Edie will live on as will he, both in our hearts and through his twirling, animated sculptures.

•Memorial contributions can be made to the Community Conservation project:
or or the Crawford Stewardship Project at P.O. Box 284 Gays Mills, WI 54631.
Please, make a note on either donation that it is being made in memory of Glenn Donovan.

Godspeed Glenn!
You are flying high!

Patricia & Jon


Anonymous said...

R.I.P., Glenn. Thanks for the memories, the laughs, the love. Edie, take care and keep in touch.


Anonymous said...

Such a nice tribute...


Holly Olinger said...

I didn't know this fellow, but always admired his work when I saw the artists lists from various shows. Godspeed Glenn.

Brian Gustafson said...

It's sad to hear that Glenn passed away, I still have one of his "Out of Control" welded sculptures displayed proudly in my family room, it is one of my prized possessions. Glenn was a great artist.