Friday, February 13, 2009

TattooDreams in Lights!!!

Wow, look.........lights, stars......a marquee with my name on it!
Okay, calm down........this marquee is in front of the Orchard Gallery in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The Orchard now holds a good sized collection of my TattooDreams work.
They have boxes and hearts and tables oh my!
If you're in the area, stop in and say 'hi'.
They will be happy to sell you any of my work or any of the the other work from the outstanding
array of artists and craftspeople they represent.

Art made by artists..........what a great ring to those words!
When you chose to make a purchase , you would be supporting one of the last things 'Made in the USA'!
You would also be helping the life of an 'endangered species'.......a working artist in todays economy!

The Orchard Gallery
6312A Covington Road
Fort Wayne, IN


1 comment:

Holly Olinger said...

That marque is totally cool. Be proud!